Past events

  • Inauguration of the CCCB +HUMANS exhibition

    ICREA collaboration with CCCB continues, in this case, with several contributions to the +HUMANS exhibition by ICREAs: Luc Steels, Arcadi Navarro, Mavi Sanchez-Vives, Mel Slater, Hector Geffner will all be giving talks over the next few weeks on the limits of intelligence and of humankind.

    The inaugural session will take place at CCCB, at 19:30h. If you plan to attend, please log on CCCB and register directly.

  • ICREA Academia call 2015

    Next call of the ICREA Academia programme. Call guidelines will be posted here on the opening day of the call, but we do not expect major changes from last years.

  • ICREA Academia award ceremony

    When: 1st july 2015, 19:30h

    Where: Auditori Pau Gil, at Recinte Modernista de Sant Pau (Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167).

    Official ceremony for the 2014 ICREA Academia awards, presentation of the new ICREA logo and website, chaired by the Hble. Andreu Mas-Colell, minister of Economy and Knowledge of the Catalan government.
