Past events

  • 75th ICREA Colloquium - On Data and Computational Science Approaches for Social Media and Social Simulation


    Speakers: Prof. Vassil Alexandrov (BSC) and Prof. Josep Casanovas (UPC)

    When: 14th March 2017, 18:00h

    Where: ICREA, Pg. Lluís Companys 23, 6th floor


    Computational Science, an interdisciplinary field that melds basic sciences, mathematical modelling, quantitative analysis techniques and HPC (High Performance Computing) techniques, is integral in addressing the big problems in industries ranging from manufacturing and aerospace, to drug design and risk management and is also a key strategic asset in addressing societal challenges. On the other hand, with the emergence of Big Data and Data Science, novel research methods and approaches are needed to enable us to deal with enormous amounts of data in a variety of areas, and to enable efficient processing, visualization and analysis of the data, the results of the computations, etc. This is particularly true in the case of both Data and Compute Intensive scientific and industrial applications.

    In the first part of the talk the focus will be on Social Media and how efficiently Data and Computational Science research methods, that are able to discover global properties of data and provide efficient computational approaches, can be applied when dealing with problems from this area. Examples will be drawn from psychological warfare analysis, comparing electoral campaigns, etc. The second part of the talk will focus on Data and Computational Science research methods for Social Simulation.

    The ICREA colloquia are a great way to learn about remote fields of research from our best experts. We usually have two speakers, who offer their opinions on the same subject from very different angles. Open to all ICREAs and their guests. There’s wine and munchies at the end, please book in advance!

  • ICREA-FIJC Conference "Across Tumour Heterogeneity and Evolution in Cancer: From in Silico Studies to Clinical Impact"


    ICREA Conference Awards are specific, dedicated awards aimed at funding scientific events of the hottest, most advanced topics in research of all disciplines. ICREA Research Professors make their proposals for funding and a board of external advisors ranks them and grants the awards.

    The 2016 edition of the ICA has gone to after fierce competition and a lot of debate of the jury. The conference will be held on Monday 6th and Tuesday 7th of March 2017.

  • 74th ICREA Colloquium - Autoimmunity meets neurodegeneration: different pathways for similar brain dysfunctions


    Speakers: Prof. Miquel Vila (VHIR) and Prof. Josep Dalmau (IDIBAPS)

    When: 31st January 2017, 18:00h

    Where: ICREA, Pg. Lluís Companys 23, 6th floor


     Studies during the last 10 years have revealed a new category of brain diseases in which crucial neuronal receptors are attacked by autoantibodies. As a result of this attack there is a reduction of the target synaptic proteins leading to alterations in synaptic transmission. The clinical manifestations vary according to the receptor involved, and may resemble many of the symptoms caused by neurodegenerative diseases in which specific receptors are involved, including among others Parkinson, epilepsy, chronically progressive sleep disease, or schizophrenia.  

    The ICREA colloquia are a great way to learn about remote fields of research from our best experts. We usually have two speakers, who offer their opinions on the same subject from very different angles. Open to all ICREAs and their guests. There’s wine and munchies at the end, please book in advance!

  • 73rd ICREA Colloquium - Managing an ERC grant, or how to prevent a research dream to become an administrative nightmare


    Speakers: Prof. Victoria Reyes (ICREA at ICTA-UAB) and Prof. Iñaki Ruiz (ICREA at CSIC-IBE)

    When: 20th of December 2016 at 6pm

    Where: ICREA, Pg. Lluís Companys 23, 6th floor



    ​Victoria Reyes

    The European Research Council (ERC) provides funding opportunities for innovative, groundbreaking ideas at the frontier of science. Moreover, ERC encourages high-risk research, which often implies the use of unconventional methodologies and approaches. A researcher obtaining an ERC research grant might find that the administrative rules at the host institution do not easily allow the execution of a risky research program, a situation that might jeopardize the innovative nature of the research.  Based on the management of an ERC Starting Grant, in this presentation I explore ways in which the researcher can negotiate a more flexible management so to ensure the successful execution of the grant.


    Iñaki Ruiz Trillo

    I will quickly present my experience in managing an ERC grant in two different host institutions (UB and UPF), and my negotiations with a third one (CSIC). I think the most important point to avoid problems is to have a good communication channel with both the administration at your institution and with the ERC officer.

    The ICREA colloquia are a great way to learn about remote fields of research from our best experts. We usually have two speakers, who offer their opinions on the same subject from very different angles. Open to all ICREAs and their guests. There’s wine and munchies at the end, please book in advance!
