Past events

  • Ines Domingo and Cedric Boeckx, today at EYE Catalunya openning

    E.Y.E. Catalunya is a project led by Patricia Caicedo where creators of arts, culture and science meet to exchange their views and to explore the boundaries of creation from Catalonia

    Come or follow by streaming!

  • 69th ICREA Colloquium - Everything you always wanted to know about creating a company (but were afraid to ask)

    By: Joan Seoane (ICREA at VHIO) and Emilià Pola (Exec.Dir. at ICREA)

    When: 22nd December 2015, 18:00h

    Where: ICREA, Pg. Lluís Companys 23, 6th floor

    Why would you, decent and exemplary ICREA researchers, ever want to get involved in the creation of a spin-off company? In this colloquium we will take a stroll on the ‘dark side of science’: its commercial exploitation. The talk aims at covering both the practical and the institutional points of view. To that end, Joan Seoane, who started his own company ‘Mosaic Biomedicals’ in 2012, will share his experience with all of us. And Emilià Pola will present the vision and the position of ICREA as an institution, or in other words, why an institution like ICREA gets involved in such mundane activities.

    The ICREA colloquia are a great way to learn about remote fields of research from our best experts. We usually have two speakers, who offer their opinions on the same subject from very different angles. Open to all ICREAs and their guests. There’s wine and munchies at the end, please book in advance!


    Coinciding with the current CCCB exhibition 'Humans +: el futur de la nostra espècie', the new cycle of debates by ICREA researchers offers four talks on intelligence, its meaning and its limits: 'MÀQUINES QUE PENSEN: Possibilitats i dilemes de la intel•ligència artificial'

    Free entrance, but usually very full! Further details at the CCCB site.

    Dimarts 24 de Novembre de 2015, 19h
     “Intel•ligència artificial per la pau o per la guerra?”
    Luc Steels (ICREA at UPF)
    Auditori CCCB

    Dimarts 1 de desembre de 2015, 19h
    “La intel•ligència com a estratègia evolutiva”
    Arcadi Navarro (ICREA at UPF)
    Auditori CCCB

    Dimecres 9 de desembre de 2015, 19h
    “El futur de la inteligencia artificial”
    Hector Geffner (ICREA at UPF)
    Auditori CCCB

    Dimarts 15 de desembre de 2015, 19h
    “Percepció i realitat: la comprensió dels mons virtuals”
    Mel Slater (ICREA at UB) and Mavi Sanchez-Vives (ICREA at IDIBAPS)
    Auditori CCCB


  • 68th ICREA colloquium - The LHC New Results and the LHC Big Data Challenge


    By: Mario Martínez (ICREA at IFAE) and Manuel Delfino (PIC)

    When: 10th November 2015, 18:00h

    Where: ICREA, Pg. Lluís Companys 23, 6th floor


    Mario Martínez

    Results from the LHC Run II 

    After two years of shutdown, devoted to repairs and improvements, the Large Hadron Collider at CERN resumed operations in June 2015 to deliver collisions between protons with an increased centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV.  This opens a new era in the exploration of particle physics at the energy frontier and it brings the opportunity for new discoveries.   After the discovery of the Higgs boson in Run I, the LHC experiments at CERN will continue the search for dark matter, super-symmetry, extra spatial dimensions, and new fundamental phenomena in general.  In addition, a full program of precise measurements in the Higgs sector will take place.   A comprehensive review of early Run II results by the ATLAS and CMS experiments at CERN will be given.

    Manuel Delfino

    The Worldwide LHC Computing Grid: Riding the computing technology wave to enable the Higgs boson discovery

    The World Wide Web was invented at CERN in 1991. Construction of CERN's LHC was approved in 1994. Building the data processing system required by LHC's detectors in 1994 would have costed more than the accelerator itself. CERN and data centres from around the world started collaborating in 1999 to prototype and deploy the LHC Computing Grid, the first planetary scale high performance data processing system, which enabled the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012. A review will be made of these developments, and their relationship to current areas of interest in data processing, such as "Big Data" and digitally supported collaborative science.

    The ICREA colloquia are a great way to learn about remote fields of research from our best experts. We usually have two speakers, who offer their opinions on the same subject from very different angles. Open to all ICREAs and their guests. There’s wine and munchies at the end, please book in advance!
