Past events

  • 81st ICREA Colloquium - Two Perspectives on the Relation between Philosophy and Science


    Speakers: Prof. Paula Casal (UPF) and Prof. Thomas Sturm (UAB)

    When: 6th of March 2018, 18:00h

    Where: ICREA, Pg. Lluís Companys 23, 6th floor


    Casal and Sturm will present two different ways in which philosophy relates to science. Sturm begins by sketching “philosophical naturalism”, a view that tries to answer philosophical questions employing methods and data from the empirical sciences. He then analyses the ongoing debate between the “heuristics and biases” approach and the “bounded rationality” program in order to assess the potential of naturalizing rationality, and its limits. Casal turns to ethics. Ethics is a branch of philosophy usually divided in three levels: metaethics, normative ethics and applied ethics. Casal will focus on the relevance of scientific findings, particularly in evolutionary biology, to major controversies in all these levels.

    The ICREA colloquia are a great way to learn about remote fields of research from our best experts. We usually have two speakers, who offer their opinions on the same subject from very different angles. Open to all ICREAs and their guests.



  • 80th ICREA Colloquium - Archaeology and Colonialism: multiple perspectives


    Speakers: Prof. Margarita Díaz-Andreu (UB) and Prof. Sandra Montón Subías (UPF)

    When: 23rd January 2018, 18:00h

    Where: ICREA, Pg. Lluís Companys 23, 6th floor


    ICREA Research Professors Margarita Díaz-Andreu and Sandra Montón Subías will briefly expose how Archaeology has come a long way from its origins as a colonial discipline to a more recent self-criticism and scrutiny in the wake of anti, post- and de-colonial thought. Beyond archaeologists' explicit unapologetic collaboration with colonialism during the 19th and most of the 20th centuries, an exploration of the effect of colonialism in archaeology reveals a myriad of other aspects in which archaeology became deeply entangled with what at first sight could be considered as a mere political and economic practice. Their own archaeological projects in the Mariana Islands (western Pacific) and the history of archaeological practice will be brought to illustrate some of the issues raised.

    The ICREA colloquia are a great way to learn about remote fields of research from our best experts. We usually have two speakers, who offer their opinions on the same subject from very different angles. Open to all ICREAs and their guests. There’s wine and munchies at the end, please book in advance!

  • 79th ICREA Colloquium - Model organs in cancer research


    Speakers: Prof. Roger Gomis and Prof. Marco Milán (both from IRB Barcelona)

    When: Wednesday, 20th December 2017, 18:00h

    Where: ICREA, Pg. Lluís Companys 23, 6th floor


    Metastasis continues to be a lethal hallmark of cancer. In this process, malignant cells spread from the primary tumor to distant sites, where they resist conventional treatments, proliferate, and cause the failure of vital organs. Systemic dissection of the molecular, cellular, genetic, and clinical mechanisms underlying metastatic progression is necessary for the development of new diagnostic and therapeutic strategies to prevent and treat metastases. Different cancer types show distinct metastatic organ tropism. In addition, although steps in the metastatic cascade are part of a continuous biological sequence, their acquisition may vary from one tumor type to another. On the other hand, aneuploidy, described as an abnormal number of whole chromosomes or parts of them, has been observed in the majority of sporadic carcinomas, the most common type of cancer occurring in humans and derived from putative epithelial cells. However, the causal relationship between aneuploidy and tumorigenesis remains highly debated. Here we will review and discuss the use of fruit flies and mice to functionally characterize the highly metastatic behavior of tumor cells and the role of aneuploidy in the initiation and progression of cancer.  

    The ICREA colloquia are a great way to learn about remote fields of research from our best experts. The speakers offer their opinions on the same subject from very different angles. Open to all ICREAs and their guests. Please book in advance.

  • “After the end of the world”: next ICREA-CCCB cycle of debates


    This November we will be having a new cycle of debates, with significant changes in format and orientation. We hope this new approach is even better at stimulating debate and the generation of ideas. This cycle of debates coincides with a new inauguration by CCCB of the same title and is focused on the impact of global warming on the immediate future of our civilisation. No less than 8 ICREA Research Professors will participate in the debate, which promises to be one of the highlights of 2017:

    Tuesday 7th: Canviar el planeta, with Ricard Solé (@ UPF) and Patrizia Ziveri (@ ICTA-UAB)

    Tuesday 14th: Clima extrem i noves malalties, with Xavier Rodó (@ ISGlobal) and Frederic Bartumeus (@ CEAB-CSIC)

    Tuesday 21st: L’adaptació de les societats, with Viki Reyes (@ ICTA-UAB) and Paula Casal (@ UPF)

    Tuesday 28th: Economia, conflicte i migracions globals, with Giorgos Kallis (@ ICTA-UAB) and Pau Baizán (@ UPF)

    All talks will be moderated by journalist Mercè Folch and they will be held at the CCCB at 18:30h. Mark the dates!
