Past events

  • Conference ‘The coming decades of quantum simulation’


    ICREA Research Professor at ICFO Maciej Lewenstein will give a talk with the title ‘The coming decades of quantum simulation’.


    The event is organized by the Institut d’Estudis Catalans (IEC), as part of a cycle of conferences entitled «Dijous de ciència i tecnologia 2023»,

    and it will be held on May 11th 2023 at 6:30 pm at Carrer del Carme, 47, 08001 Barcelona.


    You can also view the conference live, via Zoom or YouTube.

    For further information please click here.



  • Workshop ‘Credit, diversity, and research quality in science’


    Prof. Joshua Shepherd, who will become an ICREA Research Professor in May 2023, will be hosting the workshop entitled ‘Credit, diversity, and research quality in science’.


    This workshop will address credit assignment in science – who gets credit for which discoveries and achievements – and how credit assignment impacts and is impacted by [a] collaboration, [b] assessments of research quality, and [c] issues of diversity, equality, and inclusion.


    DATE: April 15, 2023


    FORMAT: Hybrid (register for zoom link, or to indicate physical attendance)


    LOCATION: Artchimboldi (C/ Rosselló, 231, 2nd Floor, Barcelona)




    09:30h – 09:45h              Introductions and Coffee


    09:45h – 11:00h              Katie Plaisance and Sara Doody (Waterloo),

    What “Counts” as Good Science? Reflections from Scientists & Engineers about their Collaborations with Philosophers of Science


    11:00h – 11:15h              Coffee break


    11:15h – 12:30h              Hannah Rubin (Missouri),

    Structural Causes of Citation Gaps


    12:30h – 14:30h              Lunch (on site)


    14:30h – 16:00h              Panel discussion



    • Joshua Shepherd (Carleton/UB)



    • Megan Peters (UC-Irvine),
    • Adeel Razi (Monash),
    • Sahba Besharati (Witwatersrand),
    • Rafaella Margutti (UC-Berkeley),
    • Eric Mandelbaum (CUNY)



    Rafaella Margutti (UC-Berkeley) and Joshua Shepherd (Carleton/University of Barcelona)



    CIFAR (Canadian Institute for Advanced Research) Catalyst grant (‘Discovery, re-discovered’)


    To register: e-mail, and indicate on-line or in-person (space is limited)

  • The 105th ICREA Colloquium 'Gravitational waves from the 5th dimension'


    Speaker: ICREA Research Professor David Mateos, from the Universitat de Barcelona (UB)


    When: 28th of March 2023, 18:00h


    Where: Zoom & Auditorium FCRI, Passeig de Lluís Companys, 23, 08010 Barcelona




    Our understanding of the Universe at the most fundamental level is based on two seemingly radically different theories. Einstein’s General Relativity describes the gravitational force that governs physical processes on the largest possible scales. The revolutionary experimental discovery of gravitational waves, little ripples on the geometry of spaces and time, is the latest confirmation of Einstein’s theory. The other three forces in Nature, the electromagnetic, the strong and the weak force, are unified in a single framework known as Quantum Field Theory, which describes subatomic processes. The most important discovery in theoretical physics in the last 25 years is an exact equivalence between Quantum Field Theory in 1 time and 3 spatial dimensions, as in our Universe, and General Relativity… in one dimension higher! I will describe the basis of this correspondence, known as Holography, as well as applications to particle physics, cosmology and gravitational waves.


    The ICREA colloquia are a great way to learn about remote fields of research from our best experts. They are open to all ICREAs and their guests.

  • The 104th ICREA Colloquium ‘Understanding colorectal cancer; from genetics to physics’


    Speakers: ICREA Research Professors Eduard Batlle, from IRB Barcelona, and Xavier Trepat, from the Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya (IBEC)


    When: 31st of January 2023, 18:00h


    Where: Zoom & Auditorium FCRi, Passeig de Lluís Companys, 23, 08010 Barcelona




    Colorectal cancer (CRC) kills around 700,000 people worldwide every year. The majority of these deaths are the result of the dissemination of the disease to foreign organs. The emergence of new treatment options for patients with late-stage CRC has extended survival periods, yet metastases remain incurable for the majority of patients. The mechanistic basis of metastasis in CRC is not well understood. There are no prevalent mutations associated with metastatic dissemination. New evidence from our laboratories and other groups now points to a key role for the interaction between the tumor and the surrounding cell ecosystem that includes immune cells, fibroblasts and blood vessels. For instance, the global gene expression program that associates more robustly to metastasis in CRC patients was expressed by cells that surround the tumor, the so-called cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs), and not by the cancer cells themselves. Besides these transcriptional mechanisms, the physical properties of cancer cells and cells of the tumor ecosystem and their mutual interaction are increasingly regarded as essential ingredients for CRC progression.


    In this ICREA colloquium we will present recent advances from our groups addressing the mechanisms that govern progression of CRC, highlighting the need to integrate tools and concepts from genetics to physics. We will emphasize the key role of the tumor ecosystem interactions and discuss how it can be studied through multidisciplinary strategies.


    The ICREA colloquia are a great way to learn about remote fields of research from our best experts. We usually have two speakers, who offer their opinions on the same subject from different angles. They are open to all ICREAs and their guests.
