Past events

  • Workshop 'Què és l'envelliment? Noves maneres d’entendre’l'


    ICREA Research Professor Manuel Serrano (IRB Barcelona) and Professor Josep Ramoneda co-organize the workshop ‘Què és l’envelliment? Noves maneres d’entendre’l’. Two other ICREA Research Professors, Santiago Zabala (UPF) and Núria Montserrat (IBEC), will participate as guests in the event.


    The workshop will be held at Palau Macaya (Passeig de Sant Joan, 108, Barcelona) in four sessions on the 17th and the 18th of November from 17:00 h to 20:30 h.


    For detailed information on this event please click here.

  • WEBINAR 91st ICREA COLLOQUIUM - Chasing targets for cancer therapy: from basic research to spin-off


    Speakers: ICREA Research Professors Laura Soucek, from Vall d’Hebron Institut d'Oncologia (VHIO), and Angel Rodriguez Nebreda, from the Institut de Recerca Biomèdica (IRB Barcelona)


    When: 27th of October 2020, 18:00h






    Dr. Nebreda and Dr. Soucek will tell us about their challenges and efforts in drugging unconventional targets in cancer:


    Dr. Nebreda will focus on p38a, a broadly expressed protein kinase that is activated by many extracellular stimuli and controls multiple cellular responses. Although p38a is not an oncogene, cancer cells often rely on this signaling pathway for proliferation and to survive chemotherapy drugs. In addition, p38a signaling mediates the communication between non-cancer cells of the tumor microenvironment and cancer cells, which contributes to tumor progression. Dr. Nebreda will describe his studies related to p38a functions in different tumor cell types to rationalize the use of p38a inhibitors for cancer therapy.


    On the other hand, Dr. Soucek will tell us about MYC, one of the most wanted targets for therapeutic intervention in cancer, having a  key role in driving and maintaining most, if not all, human tumors. Despite this indisputable therapeutic opportunity, MYC has long been perceived as “undruggable” for its intrinsically disordered nature and fear of catastrophic side effects in normal tissues. Indeed, to date, there is still no MYC inhibitor in the clinic. Dr. Soucek’s research has recently resulted in the creation of Peptomyc S.L., a spin off company of VHIO and ICREA. Peptomyc will start clinical trials testing a first-in-class MYC inhibitor in cancer patients in early 2021.

  • UrbanA Open Webinar ‘COVID-19, Justice and Sustainability in Cities’

    ICREA Research Professor Isabelle Anguelovski is organizing together with Dr. Panagiota Kotsila and Dr. Helen Cole (all working at BCNUEJ, ICTA-UAB), the UrbanA Open Webinar ‘COVID-19, Justice and Sustainability in Cities’.

    The event will be held on June 5th at 14h30 (CEST - Barcelona time) and it will address Imagining Cities Post Covid with an emphasis on justice and sustainability.  

    For further information on this webinar and to register please click here.

  • Núria Montserrat and Javier Martínez-Picado speak with Cristina Sáez about the state of research aiming to find a cure for COVID-19

    ICREA Research Professors Núria Montserrat (IBEC), expert in the new strategies of regenerative medicine, and Javier Martínez-Picado (IrsiCaixa), expert in HIV research, will speak with the journalist Cristina Sáez about the state of research aiming to find a cure for COVID-19.

    The event, which has been jointly organized by ICREA, will be broadcasted online via the CCCB website on Wednesday 3rd of June at 18:30 pm.

    For further information please click here.
