ICREA call 2025 is open for the areas:
- Experimental sciences & mathematics
- Engineering sciences
ERC Consolidator Grants 2024
· César Rodriguez-Emmenegger (IBEC)
· Arnau Sebé-Pedrós (CRG)
ICREA call 2025 is open for the areas:
- Experimental sciences & mathematics
- Engineering sciences
ICREA Research Professors amongst the 1% most cited researchers of 2024 worldwide
ICREA call 2025 is open for the areas:
- Experimental sciences & mathematics
- Engineering sciences
ERC Synergy Grants 2024
· Diego Blas (IFAE)
· Mariona Graupera (IJC)
· Kostas Kostarelos (ICN2)
ICREA call 2025 is open for the areas:
- Experimental sciences & mathematics
- Engineering sciences
InBrain Neuroelectronics raised 46 million euros to advance its graphene brain implants
Good things come in threes
Gorostiza Langa, Pau (IBEC)
Life & Medical SciencesArtificial Intelligence-driven material design for advanced interconnects technologies
Roche, Stephan (ICN2)
Engineering SciencesNew compounds with therapeutic potential for some heart diseases
Rodriguez Nebreda, Angel (IRB Barcelona)
Life & Medical SciencesCan neural networks learn fast, like children do?
Baroni, Marco (UPF)
Social & Behavioural SciencesTime and space matters in virus infection fate regulation
Meyerhans, Andreas (UPF)
Life & Medical SciencesSpecial Issue in Science about Primate Genomics
Marquès Bonet, Tomàs (UPF)
Life & Medical SciencesHow do we recognise a face?
Quian Quiroga, Rodrigo (IMIM)
Life & Medical SciencesUnraveling ancient diets of anthracotheres and entelodonts, enigmatic creatures from 30 million years ago
Rivals, Florent (IPHES)
ICREA es una institución publica financiada al 100% por la Generalitat de Catalunya.
ICREA es una institución abierta. Trabaja codo con codo con las universidades y centros de investigación catalanes para integrar a los profesores de investigación ICREA en el sistema de investigación catalán.
ICREA ofrece puestos permanentes y titulares a investigadores de todo el mundo para que vengan a trabajar a Cataluña.
A lo largo de los años, estos puestos se han convertido en sinónimo de excelencia académica mundial.
Los Profesores de Investigación de ICREA forman una vibrante comunidad de científicos e investigadores en todas las áreas del conocimiento que contribuyen al avance de la humanidad explorando, interpretando y cuestionando.

ICREA no tendría sentido sin la densa red de instituciones anfitrionas que participan activamente en la investigación en Cataluña.
ICREA es una comunidad en expansión. Cada año, nuevos investigadores e investigadoras se incorporan a ICREA tras la convocatoria. Os presentamos a nuestras incorporaciones más recientes. Queremos darles a todos una muy cálida bienvenida a la comunidad ICREA: Benvinguts!
Berruezo-Sánchez, Diana
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
I am a scholar of literature recovering a missing chapter in the cultural history of Afro-Iberian diasporas in the 16th and 17th centuries. With a focus on Spain and in connection with the Iberian World, I aim to provide a new framework to challenge our understanding of Europe’s past and its people.
Biagetti, Stefano
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
My research focuses on human adaptation to climate change and food security in drylands. I am developing new geo-ethnoarchaeological methodologies to study pastoralism using a multiproxy approach.
Böke, Elvan
Life & Medical Sciences
Centre de Regulació Genòmica (CRG)
Our research focuses on the strategies and mechanisms that allow egg cells to evade ageing for decades, and why these strategies eventually fail with advanced age.
De les Coves, Gemma
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
While my background and academic career is centered around quantum information and mathematical physics, in recent years I have been thinking about questions in philosophy and linguistics, mainly around notions of universality and unreachability.
Eskicioglu, Cigdem
Engineering Sciences
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)
As an environmental engineer, I develop technologies to convert waste into valuable resources, aiming for a biorefinery and circular economy. My research tackles industrialization and urbanization challenges by designing advanced reactor processes for contaminant removal and waste-to-biofuel conversion.
Gualtieri, Marco
Experimental Sciences & Mathematics
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)
Guxens Junyent, Monica
Life & Medical Sciences
Institut de Salut Global Barcelona (ISGlobal)
My research focuses on investigating how environmental factors, mainly air pollution, temperature, electromagnetic fields, and persistent and non-persistent chemicals, affect children's health, in particular brain development.
Heyn, Holger
Life & Medical Sciences
Centre Nacional d'Anàlisi Genómica (CNAG)
Genomics scientist investigating cellular mechanisms in health and disease. Expert in single-cell and spatial genomics with a focus on immune diagnostics and therapies. Dr Heyn leads CNAG’s Single Cell Genomics group, merging tech and computational expertise for translational and clinical research.
Mazzocco, Marta
Experimental Sciences & Mathematics
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)
Marta is a mathematician specializing in Integrable Systems. Her research fuses geometry, quantum algebra and analysis to attack complex challenges in Theoretical Physics. She obtained her PhD at SISSA, Italy, and is now based at UPC.
Moreno Lax, Violeta
Social & Behavioural Sciences
Universitat de Barcelona (UB)
I am an interdisciplinary lawyer, specialising in international migration, critical security studies, and human rights. My current project 'Towards Border Justice' problematizes the mechanisms of 'crisification' and 'crimmigration' as new means of global migration governance in search of alternative models.
Novoa Pardo, Eva Maria
Life & Medical Sciences
Centre de Regulació Genòmica (CRG)
Dr. Novoa aims to decipher the language of RNA modifications, and how its orchestration can regulate our cells in a space-, time- and signal-dependent manner. Through the use of single molecule technologies, she is studying their functional relevance and exploiting them for clinical applications.
Rasella, Davide
Social & Behavioural Sciences
Institut de Salut Global Barcelona (ISGlobal)
I am driven to develop innovative approaches and advanced methods to evaluate the impact of social protection policies and primary health care on poverty-related diseases, health disparities, and preventable mortality, particularly among the most vulnerable populations.
Roca Aparicio, Anna
Life & Medical Sciences
Institut de Salut Global Barcelona (ISGlobal)
As an infectious disease epidemiologist, I design tailored interventions to reduce viral & bacterial mortality among the world’s most vulnerable populations. My research integrates epidemiology, microbiology and genomics to investigate transmission and develop strategies that drive global impact.
Estos informes de investigación resumen el trabajo realizado durante un año.
Las publicaciones son la parte más visible de la investigación, pero también hay que tener en cuenta otros elementos que muestran la contribución de nuestros investigadores a la mejora del sistema catalán de I+D: creación de nuevos equipos de investigación y apertura de nuevas líneas de investigación, consolidación de equipos y áreas de investigación ya existentes, tutorización de tesis doctorales, docencia en todos los niveles académicos, etc.