Universitat de Barcelona (UB)
Experimental Sciences & Mathematics
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Research interests
Complex systems -e.g. the human brain, the Internet, molecular networks in the cell, international trade, and many more- are ubiquitous and around us. All of them, regardless of their origin, talk a common language that we are starting to understand. A major challenge for a better comprehension of the relation between their structure and function, and so for the prediction of their evolution and adaptation capabilities, is the characterization of their multiscale nature in space and time. I am using netwoks to investigate the role of space in real complex systems, producing maps in a hidden geometry where distances measure the likelihood of interactions. Our focus is also on the impact of time flow, and on multilayer networks in which different types of interactions between a diversity of elements coexist. Our applications cover a wide variety of real systems, from biological to economic and sociotechnological systems, that we characterize using massive data.