ICREA researchers have total freedom to pursue the research that they choose, and are selected solely based on their scientific and academic excellence. However, excellent science often leads to amazing discoveries that can change the way we do things, and the way we think about ourselves and our future.
When that happens, ICREA helps. And it happens very often, since outstanding research at the forefront of knowledge often leads to insights that can change the way we do things.
Bringing ideas to market, by creating a company or by licensing out technologies developed by ICREA research professors is something increasingly important in our daily work.
Although this is by no means expected from ICREA researchers, it so happens that sometimes they hit on something that shows promise of becoming a powerful new technology, but it seems impossible to develop that further without significant investment of time and money. In these cases, many choose to explore the option of creating a spin-off company dedicated to the concept.

ICREA selects researchers based solely on their scientific achievements. However, excellent science often leads to the invention of new and amazing technologies and solutions. When that happens, ICREA fully supports the exploitation of these opportunities.
Our ICREA research professors are working in different Universities and Research Centres. On account of this, ownership of any intellectual or industrial property is always shared between ICREA and the host institution.
To make negotiations as fast and conclusive as possible, host institutions are entitled to explore and engage in technology transfer activities on behalf of ICREA when opportunities arise.
ICREA supports the exploitation efforts and offers advice throughout the process.
Please have a look at our current technologies and contact ICREA to learn more about them.