Who we are
ICREA was created in response to the need to seek new hiring formulas that would make it possible to compete with other research systems on a similar footing by focusing on hiring only the most talented and extraordinary scientists and academics.
ICREA is an institution without walls. It works hand in hand with Catalan universities and research centres to integrate ICREA research professors in the Catalan research system.
ICREA offers permanent, tenured positions to researchers from all over the world to come and work in Catalonia. Over the years these positions have become a synonym of global academic excellence.
ICREA offers new research positions every year and continues to promote research in Catalonia. Cooperation, international openness and excellence are ICREA’s hallmarks.
Currently, ICREA employs more than 300 researchers in all fields of knowledge, from philosophers to astrophysicists, that perform their research in 48 different host institutions in Catalonia.
ICREA is an equal opportunity employer and is explicitly against discriminations based on race, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, or political beliefs.
ICREA is governed by a board chaired by the Minister of Research and Universities of our government. To ensure full integration within the Catalan system, the board includes representatives from universities and research centres.
As for the day-to-day business, ICREA is run in a very straightforward manner and has a very simple structure. Essentially, seven people do all the executive work, and the rest are all researchers (including the Director).

ICREA researchers have the highest ethical standards and perform socially responsible research.
ICREA researchers are extremely well-respected and valued both in Catalonia and worldwide, and are regarded as a huge asset to their host institutions. They lead independent, state-of-the-art research that expands what we know about ourselves and the universe.
They come from 34 countries and, although extremely diverse in many respects, they all share a tireless passion for understanding.
The ICREA contracts are permanent and are equivalent to tenured positions in all respects. ICREA researchers are expected to ‘push, pull and shake’ the Catalan Research System to make it even better, more visible and accomplished.
Antonio Huerta
Over the past several decades, ICREA has grown into a unique and highly successful institution, committed to fostering excellence in research and advancing knowledge across the entire spectrum of academic disciplines. By recruiting and supporting outstanding talent, we have created a dynamic environment that fuels progress in every endeavor and drives innovation.
The continued success of ICREA comes from the remarkable contributions of our ICREA Research Professors, who work in universities and research centers to push the boundaries of knowledge. These exceptional people continue to make a significant impact on society, addressing global challenges and promoting the common good.
Thank you for being part of this ongoing journey of discovery and exploration.
Antonio Huerta, ICREA Director
Professor of Applied Mathematics
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

These are the people who run ICREA on a day to day basis.
Núria Montserrat Pulido
Minister of Research and Universities of Catalonia
Núria Montserrat Pulido
President of the Fundació Catalana per a la Recerca i la Innovació (FCRI)
Joan Gómez Pallarès
Director General of Research
Javier Selva Sánchez
Director General of Transfer and Knowledge Society
Miquel Gómez Clares
Director of the Fundació Catalana per a la Recerca i la Innovació (FCRi)
Joaquim Salvi Mas
Chancellor of the Universitat de Girona (UdG)
Marga Nadal
Director of the Institut d’Investigació Biomèdica de Girona (IDIBGI)
In May 2018 we received official confirmation that ICREA has been granted the Euraxess Human Resources Strategy for Researchers Award (HRS4R) for the first time.
After the interim assessment in 2020, a renewal cycle is due and we have posted here the new action plan that builds and expands upon our previous strategy and continues along the path of improvement that started off five years ago.
We are very excited to present the new roadmap for the coming years, which will help ICREA to be one of the most attractive organisations for researchers to belong to.
