Los catedráticos de investigación de ICREA forman una comunidad dinámica de científicos e investigadores de todas las áreas del conocimiento, que contribuyen al progreso de la humanidad con sus estudios, interpretaciones y cuestionamientos. Entre y descubra sus increíbles descubrimientos y hallazgos:


    Salvador Aznar Benitah
    Aznar Benitah, Salvador
    Research Professor at
    Institut de Recerca Biomèdica (IRB Barcelona)
    Life & Medical Sciences
    view profile

    Research interests

    Our global aim is to characterize the molecular pathways that regulate the behaviour of normal stem cells during homeostasis, and how they become deregulated during carcinogenesis and ageing. Research Lines: - What intrinsic mechanisms regulate adult stem cell function, and how are they deregulated during ageing and cancer? - How do adult stem cells communicate with their local environment and how is the system coordinated to dictate stem cell function? - What systemic cues communicate with adult stem cells and how do distant adult stem cells coordinate their function at the level of the whole organism? - How does deregulation of pathways that control stem cell behaviour contribute to the maintenance and progression of carcinomas?

    Key words

    Adult Stem cells, tissue homeostasis, cancer
    Joan Bagaria
    Bagaria i Pigrau, Joan
    Research Professor at
    Universitat de Barcelona (UB)
    Experimental Sciences & Mathematics
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    Research interests

    I am a mathematical logician working mainly in Set Theory. Set Theory is the strongest and most encompassing of mathematical theories. It is both the theory of infinity and the standard foundation for mathematics, in the sense that all of mathematics can be interpreted and formally reduced to it. I develop sophisticated techniques, such as the method of Forcing for building models of Set Theory and the theory of Large Cardinals, and apply them to the solution of hard problems in Set Theory itself and in other areas of logic and mathematics. Most  interestingly, one can prove sometimes that a given problem cannot be solved using standard mathematical tools, which are embodied in the standard Zermelo-Fraenkel with Choice (ZFC) axioms of Set Theory, and therefore new axioms are needed for its solution. Finding and classifying new axioms, thereby expanding the frontiers of mathematical reasoning, is also an essential part of Set Theory, and of my work.

    Key words

    Set theory, logic, foundations and philosophy of mathematics.


    : 0000-0002-4686-8222


    : L-5958-2014
    Pau Baizán
    Baizán Muñoz, Pau
    Research Professor at
    Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
    Social & Behavioural Sciences
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    Research interests

    My research focuses on improving our understanding of the patterns and causes of family formation and dissolution in various social, economic, cultural, and political settings. I investigate questions such as, “What is the impact of changing gender roles on fertility behaviour? To what extent does employment insecurity affect the likelihood to have a child? Why are there socio-economic differentials in parental child care?”. A second line of research focuses on international migration and seeks to answer such questions as “Does economic restructuring influence international migration? How international migration impacts family dynamics? Does migration lead to an increase in educational investments in the origin countries?”.

    Key words

    fertility, migration, family formation, social policies, event history analysis


    : 0000-0003-0117-8794


    : B-7571-2014
    Pablo Ballester
    Ballester Balaguer, Pablo
    Research Professor at
    Institut Català d'Investigació Química (ICIQ)
    Experimental Sciences & Mathematics
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    Research interests

    My scientific background lies in the areas of organic chemistry (making molecules) and supramolecular chemistry (study how molecules fit together). My current research focuses on the design, synthesis, study and characterization of functional molecular aggregates. I consider myself a mixture between a molecular architect and a molecular engineer. We study matter but we also produce matter and new materials. We apply molecular self-assembly processes as a methodology to construct large and functional supramolecular aggregates, i.e. molecular machines, molecular sensing assemblies and devices. A second area of my current interests resides in the design and application of molecular containers. These are molecular or supramolecular structures with an internal cavity sufficiently large to include or encapsulate other molecules. Unfortunately, although we construct monumental and even artistic structures they are not visible to the naked eye due to their reduced nanometer size.

    Key words

    Supramolecular Chemistry, Molecular Recognition, Physical Organic Chemistry


    : 0000-0001-8377-6610


    : B-6436-2011
    Marco Baroni
    Baroni, Marco
    Research Professor at
    Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
    Social & Behavioural Sciences
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    Research interests

    Current deep-learning-trained artificial neural networks ("deep nets") have revolutionized AI, but they are highly specialized devices, each optimized to solve a specific task. Taking inspiration from communities of human experts, that can solve problems together by collaborating through language, I want to teach specialized deep nets to communicate with each other in order to solve complex tasks. The key insight is that it would be hopeless to specify an exhaustive communication protocol for deep nets by hand. By relying on their strong learning capabilities, I let them instead evolve their own protocol by exposing them to joint tasks which they can only solve by cooperating through communication, and I study the characteristics of this emergent protocol.

    Key words

    linguistics, cognitive science, deep learning, neural networks


    : https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5066-3580
    Frederic Bartumeus
    Bartumeus, Frederic
    Research Professor at
    Centre for Advanced Studies of Blanes (CSIC - CEAB)
    Life & Medical Sciences
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    Research interests

    Knowing how animals use the information to search and disperse in dynamic environments can generate direct applications (robotics, bioinformatics) and improve our baseline predictive power with consequences for fields as diverse as behavioural ecology, invasion ecology, or epidemiology. We are contributing to the sudden generation of massive, high-throughput animal movement and behavioural data in the context of vector-borne diseases with the use of novel technologies (internet, smartphones) and citizen participation. We also seek to understand organizational and dynamical principles of search behaviour by developing high-tech infrastructures for tracking movement behaviour at an unprecedented range of scales. More broadly, our work aims at building-up mechanistic links between animal behaviour, dispersal and population dynamics, including the development of data mining algorithms for behavioural annotation of high-resolution trajectories and biologging data, and spatial population modelling.

    Key words

    theoretical and computaitonal ecology, animal behaviour, movement ecology, vector-borne diseases, model organisms


    : 0000-0001-6908-3797


    : D-1911-2010