ICREA Research Professors form a vibrant community of scientists and researchers in all areas of knowledge that contribute to the advancement of humankind by exploring, interpreting and questioning. Have a look and learn about their amazing discoveries and findings here:


    Quique Bassat
    Bassat Orellana, Quique
    Research Professor at
    Institut de Salut Global Barcelona (ISGlobal)
    Life & Medical Sciences
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    Research interests

    As a paediatrician, my research is based on the premise that there is no greater public health intervention than that which can reduce child mortality, particularly in poor contexts. I have worked in LMICs (Mozambique, Morocco, Papua New Guinea, India, Brazil and Bhutan) to understand and prevent malaria, pneumonia and other infectious diseases that most impact child survival. I’m interested in biomarkers of host response as diagnostic and prognostic tools to help risk stratify children and better prioritize care. My research has included the clinical development of malaria vaccines and new or repurposed drugs and drug-based strategies for malaria and other IDs. To improve the poor existing data on the causes of child mortality. we have developed and implemented in resource constrained settings the minimally invasive autopsy (MIA) method for mortality surveillance purposes. During the pandemic, I've been particularly interested in studying transmission and pediatric COVID-19 disease, advising the Spanish MoH on the strategy for school reopening.

    Key words

    Child mortality, Cause of death, Paediatric infections, Pneumonia, Malaria, Eradication, Yaws, COVID-19




    Eduard Batlle
    Batlle Gómez, Eduard
    Research Professor at
    Institut de Recerca Biomèdica (IRB Barcelona)
    Life & Medical Sciences
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    Research interests

    The inner layer of the intestinal tube, the intestinal epithelium, is in a constant process of renewal. Hundreds of millions of terminally differentiated intestinal cells are replaced by new cells every day during the life of an adult organism. This tremendous regenerative power is ultimately sustained by a small population of intestinal stem cells. It is believed that alterations in the functioning of intestinal stem cells account for the pathophysiology of various bowel disorders. Our laboratory studies the connection between the biology of Intestinal Stem Cells and Colon Cancer. We are also interested in the process of metastasis, the cause of death of most colorectal cancer (CRC) patients. Neither conventional chemotherapy nor current targeted therapies offer significant benefits once the disease has spread to distant organs. Furthermore, current CRC staging based on histopathology and imaging has a limited ability to predict the evolution of the disease. We have recently discovered that vast majority of genes that distinguish poor prognosis CRC subtypes are expressed by stromal cells rather than by epithelial tumor cells. We proposed that metastasis relies on a tumor cell non-autonomous program driven by TGF-beta in the tumor microenvironment. 

    Key words

    Colorectal cancer, intestinal stem cells, TGF-beta signaling, tumor microenvironment, metastasis
    Giuseppe Battaglia
    Battaglia, Giuseppe
    Research Professor at
    Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya (IBEC)
    Engineering Sciences
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    Research interests

    Beppe's group research focuses on how molecules, macromolecules, viruses, vesicles, and whole cells traffic across our body barriers. Half of his group combines novel microscopic tools with theoretical and computational physics to study biological transport from the single molecules, cell membrane, to the whole organism. The group's other half translates the acquired knowledge to bioengineer novel nanomedicines, combining soft matter physics with synthetic chemistry. Here, the group designs bionic units that mimic specific biological functions and introduce operations that do not exist in nature. Beppe and his group apply a constructionist approach to mimic biological complexity in design principles to produce functional units from simple building blocks and their interactions. They call such an effort, Molecular Bionics, and it involves inputs from physical science and engineering from one side and biomedical science.

    Key words

    Nanomedicine, drug delivery, polymersomes, block copolymer, biomaterials, physical biology, endocytosis, targeting, active matter, polymer synthesis




    : I-2142-2013
    Miguel Beistegui
    Beistegui, Miguel
    Research Professor at
    Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
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    Research interests

    I am a philosopher with a broad range of interests (ontology, aesthetics, ethics, and political philosophy), with monographs on Heidegger, Deleuze, Proust, Chillida, and Lacan.  Since the 2008 financial crisis, my thought has taken a critical turn. My recent work include a trilogy on desire as: a genealogy of desire as a way of understanding who we are; as a specifically liberal technology of government; as a constructive approach to the self, aimed at exploring alternative and emancipatory practices.  My most recent includes two books,: a critique of, and a reflection on ways to overcome, the forces or 'vices', such as stupidity and spite, which diminish our ability to think and our agency (individual or collective); a 'philosophy of crisis', which aims to: construct a rigorous concept of crisis; distinguish between types and levels of crises; show how such a concept can help us better understand, and engage with, the most significant crises of our time.  

    Key words

    Desire, Governmentality, Liberalism and Neoliberalism, Genealogy, Subjectivity, Critique, Crisis, Technocene.


    Carme Belarte
    Belarte Franco, Maria Carme
    Research Professor at
    Institut Català d'Arqueologia Clàssica (ICAC)
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    Research interests

    The general goal of my research is to study the processes that transformed the Late Bronze Age local-scale groups into the complex societies of the Western Mediterranean Iron Age. Within this general goal, I deal with more specific topics such as urban planning, architecture, household organisation, domestic activities and funerary practices and rituals. Since 2020 I have been conducting the 'Transdisciplinary and experimental study of combustion structures in the western Mediterranean during Protohistory' Project. Within this project, an interdisciplinary methodology for studying fire installations in the Iron Age societies of the Western Mediterranean has been implemented. It integrates different techniques coming from Bioarchaeology and Geoarchaeology, as well as Experimental Archaeology, in order to gather information on the use of fuels, natural resources management, and daily activities related to fire.

    Key words

    Protohistoric societies, Iron Age, Western Mediterranean, domestic architecture, experimental archaeology, building techniques, town planning, settlement patterns, archaeology of death and rituals, pyroarchaeology


    : 0000-0002-2293-0482


    : AAB-6267-2019
    Verònica Benet
    Benet-Martínez, Verónica
    Research Professor at
    Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
    Social & Behavioural Sciences
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    Research interests

    Using observational and experimental research designs and different types of data (survey, behavioral, social network) I examine the following issues: ACCULTURATION/MULTICULTURALISM: Dynamics and socio-cognitive correlates of managing two or more cultural affiliations and identities; Individual differences in bicultural identity structure; Biculturalism and social-networks; Consequences of biculturalism (social, cognitive, and adjustment-related). CULTURE AND PERSONALITY/SELF-CONCEPT: Identification and measurement of culture-specific and -general personality constructs; Interplay of cultural values and personality in predicting well-being; Bilingualism and self-schemas. CROSS-CULTURAL RESEARCH METHODS: Cultural/linguistic issues in the development and adaptation of psychological scales and tests; Combined emic-etic methodology.

    Key words

    Cross/Cultural Psychology; Social Psychology; Personality Psychology;


    : 0000-0002-3352-9731


    : B-5398-2011