Contribució científica

Els investigadors ICREA són acadèmics enormement actius i generen una gran quantitat d'articles d'alt nivell, llibres i publicacions de tota mena, i també dirigeixen tesis doctoras, fan conferències inaugurals a congressos i simposis, xerrades i tot tipus de producció acadèmica. Busqueu un especialista en un camp determinat? Des d'història militar medieval fins a teoria dels púlsars, segur que el trobeu a ICREA.

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    2024 - Arbiol Cobos, Jordi Semiconductor nanosheets for electrocatalytic self-coupling of benzaldehyde to hydrobenzoin Li Gong, Chao Yue Zhang, Xiao Mu, Xu Han, Junshan Li, Jordi Arbiol, Jin Yuan Zhou, Tanja Kallio, Paulina R. Martínez-Alanis, Andreu Cabot Chemical Engineering Journal, 479, 147612 (2024)
    2024 - Armiero, Marco Steven Hartman, Serpil Oppermann, and Marco Armiero,The Environmental Humanities: European Perspectives on How a Field is Addressing Twenty-first-Century Global Challenges, in The Edinburgh Companion to the New European Humanities, edited by Rosi Braidotti, Hiltraud Casper-Hehne, Marjan Ivković, Daan F. Oostveen, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 2024 (Accepted)
    2024 - Cabot, Andreu Lim, Khak Ho; Li, Mingquan; Zhang, Yu; Wu, Yue; Zhou, Qimin; Wang, Qingyue; Yang, Xuan; Liu, Pingwei; Wang, Wen-Jun; Wong, Ka Wai; Ng, Ka Ming; Liu, Yu; Cabot, Andreu 2024, 'Modulation doping of p-type Cu12Sb4S13 toward improving thermoelectric performance', Journal Of Materials Science & Technology, 171, 71 - 79.
    2024 - Díaz-Andreu García, A. Margarita Díaz-Andreu, M 2024. 'History of Archaeology: The Last Few Centuries'. In Nikita, E & Rehren, T (eds.) Encyclopedia of Archaeology, 2nd Edition. vol. 1, 25-35. Academic Press, London.
    2024 - Díaz-Andreu García, A. Margarita Díaz-Andreu, M & Pastor, A 2024. 'Archaeological Heritage Values and Significance'. In Rehren, T & Nikita, E (eds.) Encyclopedia of Archaeology, 2nd Edition, 477-485. Academic Press, London.
    2024 - Irving, David R M Irving, DRM 2024. "Filipino Cultural Practices in Colonial Contexts, as Described by Franciscan Juan de Jesús (1703)." in The Spanish Pacific, 1521–1815: A Reader of Primary Sources, vol. 2, edited by Christina Lee and Ricardo Padrón. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, [forthcoming]. (Accepted)
    2024 - Irving, David R M Irving, DRM 2024. "The Hearing of Humanity: Music, Colonialism, and Bartolomé de Las Casas’ Philosophical Defense of Indigenous Americans." In The Oxford Handbook of Music Colonialism, edited by Erin Johnson-Williams, Roe-Min Kok, and Yvonne Liao. New York: Oxford University Press [forthcoming]. (Accepted)
    2024 - Irving, David R M Joubert, E, and DRM Irving 2024. "A European Music Treatise Published in Late Eighteenth-Century Batavia/Jakarta." In Music Beyond the Mission: New Histories of the Indonesian Archipelago, edited by Anna Maria Busse Berger and Henry Spiller. Berkeley: University of California Press [forthcoming]. (Accepted)
    2024 - Irving, David R M Irving DRM 2024. "Global Soundscapes from the First Voyage of Circumnavigation, 1519-1522." In Soundscapes of the Early Modern Iberian Empires, edited by Victor Sierra Matute. New York: Routledge [forthcoming]. (Accepted)
    2024 - Irving, David R M Irving, DRM 2024. "Iberian Sources for the Historiography of Musics in Early Modern Maluku (Moluccas)." In Music Beyond the Mission: New Histories of the Indonesian Archipelago, edited by Anna Maria Busse Berger and Henry Spiller. Berkeley: University of California Press [forthcoming]. (Accepted)
