ICREA Research Professors form a vibrant community of scientists and researchers in all areas of knowledge that contribute to the advancement of humankind by exploring, interpreting and questioning. Have a look and learn about their amazing discoveries and findings here:


    Patrick Aloy
    Aloy Calaf, Patrick
    Research Professor at
    Institut de Recerca Biomèdica (IRB Barcelona)
    Life & Medical Sciences
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    Research interests

    The main goal of his lab is to combine molecular, cell and computational biology to unveil the basic wiring architecture and dynamics of physio-pathological pathways to increase our understanding of how biological systems change from the healthy state to disease. In the last years he has been developing resources to process, harmonize and integrate bioactivity data on small molecules, providing compound bioactivity descriptors that push the similarity principle beyond chemical properties. Currently, the main research line in the lab is to collect heterogeneous datasets and develop novel methodologies to integrate different layers of regulation to unveil disease signatures. Moreover, they are convinced that artificial intelligence (AI) will transform drug discovery, as it is reshaping other areas of science and technology, and biological signatures are the key to guide the (semi) automated design of chemical compounds to globally revert disease states, beyond individual targets.

    Key words

    Structural bioinformatics, network biology, network medicine, protein interaction networks, peptide-mediated interactions, 3D interactomes
    Ramón Álvarez Puebla
    Álvarez Puebla, Ramón
    Research Professor at
    Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
    Experimental Sciences & Mathematics
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    Research interests

    Dr. Álvarez-Puebla is an expert in surface science and spectroscopy with emphasis on the fabrication and characterization of plasmonic particles and their integration into advanced "all optical" sensing devices for biomedicine, chemical biology and environmental monitoring. Currently he is interested in: - Design and development of plasmonic functional materials and their integration into real live "all optical" sensors. - Development of new technologies for pathogen/disease marker detection by using localized surface plasmon resonances, Raman and SERS. - In vivo intracellular monitoring and imaging of relevant cytoplasm metabolites under different conditions (health/disease). - Optical technologies for the ultrafast and ultrasensitive recognition of active compounds in combinatorial libraries.

    Key words

    Spectroscopy, nanotechnology, optical sensors, medical applications




    : F-5053-2014
    Raül Andero
    Andero Galí, Raül
    Research Professor at
    Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
    Social & Behavioural Sciences
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    Research interests

    Professor Andero's group is focused on behavioural and neural mechanisms of stress and memory in the brain. Specifically, the laboratory studies how stress changes molecular processes underlying fear memories in the brain of both animal models and humans. Additionally, they aim to further understand sex differences in these fear memory circuits which will help to find more effective treatments for patients suffering anxiety and fear-based disorders such as Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), panic disorder or specific phobias.

    Key words

    Memory, Fear, Amygdala, Behaviour, Translational, Stress, Anxiety, Fear-potentiated startle, Rodents, Humans


    : 0000-0003-3641-8903


    : C-1217-2017
    Laia Andreu Hayles
    Andreu Hayles, Laia
    Research Professor at
    Centre de Recerca Ecològica i Aplicacions Forestals (CREAF)
    Experimental Sciences & Mathematics
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    Research interests

    The impact of human activities on the environment and the climate system is indisputable. A knowledge-based understanding of such global environmental changes is paramount, and my research centers on assessing these changes across several regions of the planet. Specifically, I use tree rings and isotopic geochemistry to: (1) estimate climate conditions prior to the existence of instrumental records (i.e. paleoclimate) and (2) assess the response of forests to natural and anthropogenic changes in the climate and to increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2). My multidisciplinary research embraces atmospheric sciences and ecology, and has provided insights on past interactions between the climate and land ecosystems. I am currently conducting research in boreal, tropical, Central Asia and Mediterranean regions, which are ‘hot spots’ of current climate and environmental changes.

    Key words

    Environmental Sciences, Paleoclimate, Ecology, Dendrochronology, Geochemistry, Physiology




    : H-6200-2012
    Isabelle Anguelovski
    Anguelovski, Isabelle
    Research Professor at
    Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
    Social & Behavioural Sciences
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    Research interests

    I am a critical social scientist trained in urban studies & planning (PhD, MIT, 2011), nonprofit management (Harvard University, 2004), international development (University de Paris-1 Sorbonne, 2001), and political studies (Science Po, 2000). 

    As part of collaborative and individual international research projects, I study how environmental injustices materialize and get contested. Currently, I focus on four main research areas: 1) The politics of the green city as a growing global planning orthodoxy; 2) The social and racial manifestations and impacts of green gentrification for historically marginalized residents 3) Urban planning for health and wellbeing, with a focus on health equity and justice 4) Justice and inclusivity in climate adaptation planning, including distributional and procedural insecurities produced by adaptation plans, interventions, and land use configurations and regulations. 

    Key words

    Urban studies and planning; Environmental justice; Urban development and sustainability planning; Displacement, gentrification, and exclusion; Urban climate adaptation planning; Healthy cities; Urban social movements


    : 0000-0002-6409-5155


    Conrado Aparicio
    Aparicio, Conrado
    Research Professor at
    Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)
    Engineering Sciences
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    Research interests

    We are interested in bioinspired surfaces and interfaces for prevention of disease and promotion of tissue repair and regeneration. Using inspiration from nature’s molecules and structures, we design, modify and characterize bioinstructive materials tthat control supramolecular assembly, spatial-temporal bioactive responses and cellular colonization selectively to prevent infection and promote regeneration for dental, oral and orthopedic therapies. We further decipher mechanisms of bio/non-bio interactions and enable materials based on systematically mining and selecting recombinant and natural polymers and peptides. Tailoring physicochemical cues at bio interfaces we develop bioinstructive materials through harnessing extracellular matrix components and biological dynamic reciprocal interactions; including non-classical biomimetic processes of biomineralization for surfaces and scaffolds; and materials/biological agents to induce mucosal and hard tissue attachment.

    Key words

    biomaterials, dental materials, surface engineering, biomedical coatings, biomineralization, bone, tissue regeneration, biomimetics, molecular self-assembly


    : 0000-0003-2969-6067


    : J-9903-2012