De les Coves, Gemma
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Department Departament d'Enginyeria
Artificial and Natural Intelligence
Natural and Formal Languages
Spin models
Turing machines
Transcendence and Closure
Short biography
After studying Physics in Barcelona, in 2007 I moved to the heart of beautiful Tyrol for my PhD, where I was fortunate to be supervised by Hans Briegel and work on quantum information and statistical mechanics. In 2011 I moved to the European plain, in Munich, to work with Ignacio Cirac on mathematical physics, more precisely the description of quantum many body systems with tensor networks. I learned a lot of math those years. I also worked on the universality of spin systems. In 2016 I moved back to Innsbruck (unexpectedly) and started building my own group, which consolidated in 2020 with the START Prize. I worked with (generally very fit!) people from all over Europe on mathematical quantum physics, as well as universality and unreachability in physics, math and computer science. In recent years I have been reading philosophy and linguistics books to approach questions that are very close to my heart. In 2024 I returned to Catalonia with an ICREA professorship.