Attosecond Science: A New Era for Many-Body Physics
Experimental Sciences & Mathematics
The properties and the functionality of materials and devices, or chemical reactions, are determined by the microscopic interaction of their building blocks, i.e., between electrons, holes, and nuclei. Thus, understanding the many-body interaction between these fundamental building blocks holds the key to advancing fundamental science and, at the same time, directly leads to applications. Attosecond science [1] now provides an entirely new view into the quantum many-body interaction [2] of these microscopic building blocks.
(a) Picture of a 2-micron, sub-2-cycle laser pulse interaction in high-pressure He to generate an isolated 23-165 as pulse [1]. (b) The entire electron-nuclear dynamics is encoded in the time-energy measurement of furan. Line outs show the absorption of a pump photon (top). It takes ca 60 fs for the bond to break. The 4 non-identical bonds of the open ring appear as 4 peaks in the SXR spectrum.
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